This week we launched our #helpfulheroes campaign, a salute to all of our amazing volunteers working as ‘key workers’ in the current situation.

We’ve spoken to Scout leaders from across the County to find out their job roles, scout roles & what they’re doing!

So far we’ve spoken to Steve, an Asda employee stocking shelves, Kieran, an Emergency Care Technician with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Paul, a factory worker creating cables for the new ‘Nightingale’ hospitals, Laura, a security guard keeping her locations safe, and Chris*, a prison officer.

Chris’ message really hit home to us & was fairly lengthy, so we figured it best to post it here:

“I am a Scout Leader and I am a prison officer. We are key workers. We manage a full mini society that is hidden behind walls. The people in our society are the most challenging and damaged people that can’t be managed in “outside” society. We are distancing and isolating our staff & inmates just like everyone else however our inmates often rebel against the rules and laws that we all live by. For some, if this virus takes hold, they may never see the outside again. Inside the prison, we are not only front line staff, we have healthcare staff, admin staff and all of the people behind the scenes that make it run. Front line staff are first responders, first aiders, counsellors, disciplinarians, a shoulder to cry on and at times the victim when the inmates lash out in frustration. As well as stability and order, we provide decency, safety and security, and we hope to have a positive impact on these people before they are released. What we do is hidden from public view and often forgotten, but without us these people would be out in your society.

Scouting has given me patience and resilience. It gives me faith in people and the hope that people can change & be an asset to society & the wider world.”


Chris, you’re an inspiration & thank you! Another of our #helpfulheroes!



*We’ve given ‘Chris’ an alias to protect his identity.